Экскурсия по Голубой мечети, Святой Софии и Цистерне Базилики в Стамбуле

Присоединяйтесь к нашему туру по Голубой мечети, Святой Софии и Цистерне Базилики в Стамбуле, чтобы исследовать богатую историю и архитектурные чудеса Турции. Откройте для себя удивительные места сегодня!

Исследуйте знаковые Голубую мечеть, Святую Софию и Цистерну Базилики в Стамбуле на экскурсии с гидом

Погрузитесь в богатую историю Стамбула с нашим Туром по Голубой мечети, Святой Софии и Цистерне Базилики в Стамбуле. Наслаждайтесь доступом без очереди и познавательными комментариями наших экспертов-гидов, исследуя эти знаковые достопримечательности.

Маршрут экскурсии

Голубая мечеть: Войдите в великолепную Голубую мечеть и насладитесь её захватывающей дух архитектурой, украшенной изысканными изникскими плитками. Ваш гид расскажет захватывающие истории о византийском и османском наследии Стамбула, а также даст представление об исламе и яркой истории города.

Цистерна Базилика: Обходите очереди и откройте для себя чудеса, скрытые под улицами Стамбула, в Цистерне Базилики. Пройдитесь по этому древнему подземному резервуару и полюбуйтесь его потрясающей архитектурой, включая очаровательные головы Медузы из греческой мифологии.

Исследуйте Старый город Стамбула: Углубитесь в богатую ткань Старого города Стамбула, посетив Миллионный камень, историческую отправную точку Византийской империи, и Ипподром, который когда-то был оживленным центром социальных и спортивных событий в Константинополе.

Святая София: Восхищайтесь впечатляющим фасадом Святой Софии и узнайте о значимости этого 2000-летнего памятника. Перед завершением тура получите билеты без очереди и аудиогид, чтобы исследовать интерьер этого всемирно известного места в своём собственном темпе.

Завершите свой тур с гибкостью, позволяющей спокойно исследовать Софию, используя аудиогид для раскрытия глубины истории и важности этого знакового памятника.

Место встречи

  • Начните своё приключение в сердце Старого города Стамбула, прямо перед Музеем турецкого и исламского искусства на площади Ипподрома в Султанахмете, где ваш гид будет ждать вас для незабываемой экскурсии.

Дни и время экскурсии

  • Понедельник, Среда, Четверг: 10:00 и 11:00
  • Вторник: 10:00
  • Пятница: 13:00

Важная информация

  • В настоящее время гиды не допускаются внутрь Святой Софии, но они предоставят исторический контекст снаружи. После этого вы сможете войти, используя свой билет и включённое аудиогид-приложение.
  • Включённые билеты позволяют вам обойти очереди как в Софии, так и в Цистерне Базилики, хотя линии безопасности по-прежнему должны быть пройдены. В пиковый сезон линии безопасности в Святой Софии могут занять до 60 минут, а в Цистерне Базилики - до 30 минут.
  • Ваш билет в Софию предоставляет доступ к зоне посещения и Верхней галерее, но не к зоне молитвы.
  • Требуется скромная одежда: колени должны быть покрыты. Для тех, кто носит шорты, можно приобрести покрывала за 100 TRY.

Что включено в тур

  • Гид, говорящий по-английски
  • Экскурсия по Голубой мечети
  • Билет без очереди для входа в Цистерну Базилики
  • Экскурсия по Цистерне Базилики
  • Основные достопримечательности Старого города
  • Билет без очереди в Софию
  • Аудиогид для Софии

Что не включено в тур

  • Вход без очереди в Голубую мечеть
  • Платок и покрывало для тела в Голубой мечети и Святой Софии

Основные моменты тура

  • Путешествие во времени: Раскройте секреты замечательных достопримечательностей Стамбула.
  • Исторические инсайты: Исследуйте богатое наследие города и сущность ислама в Голубой мечети.
  • Быстрый доступ: Наслаждайтесь ускоренным доступом к Цистерне Базилики и встречайте завораживающие головы Медузы.
  • Самостоятельное исследование: Откройте для себя Софию в своём собственном темпе с информативным аудиогидом.
  • Архитектурные чудеса: Будьте поражены архитектурными шедеврами, отражающими динамичную историю Стамбула.
Доступные Дни:Понедельник, Вторник, Среда, Четверг, Пятница, Суббота, Воскресенье
Теги:Ежедневные туры в Стамбуле, Ежедневные туры в Турции, Туры по Стамбулу

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Отзывы Клиентов

Узнайте, что наши клиенты говорят о Экскурсия по Голубой мечети, Святой Софии и Цистерне Базилики в Стамбуле с нашими отзывами клиентов.

Silas B. 5.0 / 5 Отлично

Silas B. оставил(а) отзыв, сказав:

Simply unforgettable! The Blue Mosque was breathtaking, but what really made this tour special was the guide’s deep knowledge and storytelling he really brought the history of Istanbul alive. The Basilica Cistern had an almost mystical quality, and I loved learning about the Roman and Byzantine history hidden beneath the city. Hagia Sophia was the cherry on top, and the ease of skipping the line was fantastic. Exploring it with an audio guide allowed me to take my time soaking in every detail. If you’re looking for an immersive cultural experience, this tour is a must.

Willow D. 5.0 / 5 Отлично

Willow D. оставил(а) отзыв, сказав:

From the moment we set foot in the Old City, I knew this tour was going to be special. The Blue Mosque is absolutely majestic, and learning about its history added so much meaning to the experience. But the real surprise for me was the Basilica Cistern who knew such a masterpiece was hidden underground?

Destiny U. 5.0 / 5 Отлично

Destiny U. оставил(а) отзыв, сказав:

A well-organized tour. The Blue Mosque was a masterpiece of design, and hearing about its history made the visit even more meaningful. I was captivated by the Basilica Cistern—it felt like stepping into a mysterious, ancient world. Hagia Sophia, with its immense history and stunning architecture, was an unforgettable experience. The flexibility of this tour was great; we could really take our time to absorb the beauty of each landmark.

Soren W. 5.0 / 5 Отлично

Soren W. оставил(а) отзыв, сказав:

Everything was magnificent, and our guide made sure we didn’t miss a thing about Blue Mosque's architecture and significance. The Basilica Cistern was such a contrast quiet, cool, and mysterious beneath the city streets. Hagia Sophia was everything I’d hoped for and more, and having the flexibility to explore it at my own pace was the cherry on top.

Otto K. 5.0 / 5 Отлично

Otto K. оставил(а) отзыв, сказав:

Blue Mosque’s delicate details and sheer size—it’s a sight I’ll never forget. The Basilica Cistern was a pleasant surprise, like stepping into a hidden world under the city.

Faye T. 5.0 / 5 Отлично

Faye T. оставил(а) отзыв, сказав:

Such a fantastic experience! The Blue Mosque is a sight to behold, and the guide’s stories brought the history of this beautiful city to life. The Basilica Cistern was a peaceful escape from the bustling streets above, and I was amazed by its design and history.

Zola F. 5.0 / 5 Отлично

Zola F. оставил(а) отзыв, сказав:

An exceptional tour that exceeded all my expectations! The Blue Mosque was stunning, and I was captivated by the intricate tile work and history shared by our guide. The Basilica Cistern was a hidden wonder, with its impressive columns and tranquil ambiance. Then there was Hagia Sophia, which was absolutely breathtaking. Having the opportunity to explore it independently allowed me to take in every detail.

Rowan J. 5.0 / 5 Отлично

Rowan J. оставил(а) отзыв, сказав:

Basilica Cistern was an unforgettable experience; I felt like I had discovered a secret world beneath the city. The Blue Mosque was a highlight of my trip, with its stunning architecture and captivating history shared by our guide. What a remarkable journey!

Felicity U. 5.0 / 5 Отлично

Felicity U. оставил(а) отзыв, сказав:

Seriously exceeded my expectations. The Blue Mosque’s intricate designs and the guide’s depth of knowledge made the visit truly special. The Basilica Cistern felt like an underground palace with its dim lighting and ancient columns—a hidden wonder I didn’t expect. Hagia Sophia is an architectural masterpiece, and I’m so glad I had the chance to fully explore it. The itinerary was thoughtfully planned, making it a well-rounded experience for anyone curious

Tess T. 4.0 / 5 Очень Хорошо

Tess T. оставил(а) отзыв, сказав:

Hagia Sophia was perfect and The Blue Mosque was absolutely stunning, and I loved hearing all the details about its design and history. The Basilica Cistern was a highlight for me—the atmosphere was so peaceful, and it felt like stepping into a different time.

Wesley R. 5.0 / 5 Отлично

Wesley R. оставил(а) отзыв, сказав:

The moment we entered the Blue Mosque, I was in awe of its stunning beauty. The guide provided insightful commentary that made the history of the mosque resonate deeply. Walking through the Basilica Cistern felt like stepping back in time; its serene atmosphere and ancient architecture were captivating.

Holly S. 4.0 / 5 Очень Хорошо

Holly S. оставил(а) отзыв, сказав:

A remarkable tour from start to finish. The Blue Mosque was a breathtaking sight, and hearing about its role in Istanbul’s history really enriched the visit. The Basilica Cistern had a mystical feel to it, with its ancient pillars and quiet atmosphere. Exploring Hagia Sophia at the end was a dream come true.

Raina K. 5.0 / 5 Отлично

Raina K. оставил(а) отзыв, сказав:

Start to finish, this tour was packed with highlights! The Basilica Cistern was a hidden wonder, and its quiet, almost mystical atmosphere left a lasting impression on me. The Blue Mosque was incredibly impressive, and the guide’s knowledge made it all the more interesting. Hagia Sophia was the grand finale, and having the time to wander around with the audio guide gave me a deeper understanding of its history.

Yelena C. 5.0 / 5 Отлично

Yelena C. оставил(а) отзыв, сказав:

I now have a deeper appreciation of Istanbul’s rich culture. The Blue Mosque was a serene and spiritual experience, with its stunning interior design. I was particularly fascinated by the Basilica Cistern a peaceful and almost otherworldly place beneath the bustling city streets. The guide gave us fascinating insights before our Hagia Sophia visit, and being able to explore it freely afterward was a great touch.

Wren W. 5.0 / 5 Отлично

Wren W. оставил(а) отзыв, сказав:

An incredible way to explore Istanbul’s most famous landmarks! The Blue Mosque is truly a masterpiece, and the Basilica Cistern was such a fascinating place, especially with the eerie Medusa heads. Having skip-the-line access at Hagia Sophia was a blessing since it allowed us to avoid the long queues and spend more time exploring this amazing structure. The guide was fantastic, full of historical knowledge and interesting facts.

Moave N. 4.0 / 5 Очень Хорошо

Moave N. оставил(а) отзыв, сказав:

Istanbul came alive on this tour! The Blue Mosque was jaw-dropping, and our guide had a great way of weaving in historical facts with personal anecdotes, making it even more engaging. Walking through the Basilica Cistern felt like stepping into another world it was quiet and mysterious. Hagia Sophia was, of course, a highlight.

Abel L. 5.0 / 5 Отлично

Abel L. оставил(а) отзыв, сказав:

Blue Mosque had stunning tile work and calming atmosphere. Walking through the Basilica Cistern felt like entering a secret, ancient world. I loved the flexibility of this tour it allowed us to appreciate each place fully.

Kieran P. 5.0 / 5 Отлично

Kieran P. оставил(а) отзыв, сказав:

I couldn’t have asked for a better tour of Istanbul’s iconic sites! The Blue Mosque was breathtaking, and the Basilica Cistern was one of the coolest places I’ve ever been. Our guide was knowledgeable and made the entire tour so engaging. Hagia Sophia was the perfect finale skip-the-line tickets were a lifesaver, and the audio guide was full of interesting details.

Xyla S. 4.0 / 5 Очень Хорошо

Xyla S. оставил(а) отзыв, сказав:

The Basilica Cistern was unlike any place I’ve ever visited; the haunting beauty of the Medusa heads and the echoing silence was breathtaking. Hagia Sophia left me speechless. The Blue Mosque was mesmerizing, and our guide's enthusiasm was infectious, making history feel alive.

Tyrell S. 5.0 / 5 Отлично

Tyrell S. оставил(а) отзыв, сказав:

From start to finish, this tour was incredible! The Blue Mosque was an architectural marvel, and the guide’s knowledge of its history made it even more impressive. The Basilica Cistern was a hidden treasure beneath the city, and I loved every minute exploring it.

Noelle J. 5.0 / 5 Отлично

Noelle J. оставил(а) отзыв, сказав:

This tour was everything I hoped for and more! The Blue Mosque is absolutely breathtaking, and the guide's in-depth knowledge of the architecture and history made the experience unforgettable. The Basilica Cistern was a hidden gem I had no idea how beautiful and fascinating it would be! The skip-the-line access made everything so smooth, especially at Hagia Sophia, where we could explore at our own pace. Highly recommend this tour!

Jasper Y. 4.0 / 5 Очень Хорошо

Jasper Y. оставил(а) отзыв, сказав:

The Blue Mosque was simply awe-inspiring, and the guide gave us so much context about the city’s history and its significance. Walking through the Basilica Cistern felt like stepping back in time—it was magical. Hagia Sophia was the perfect ending to the tour, and having the flexibility to explore it at our own pace with the audio guide made the experience even better. Highly recommend !

Beatrice R. 5.0 / 5 Отлично

Beatrice R. оставил(а) отзыв, сказав:

This was the ultimate way to see Istanbul’s most iconic landmarks! The Blue Mosque was absolutely breathtaking, and hearing about its cultural importance made the visit special. I was amazed by the subterranean wonder that is the Basilica Cistern the atmosphere down there is surreal. Hagia Sophia was the highlight of the tour for me.

Mason R. 5.0 / 5 Отлично

Mason R. оставил(а) отзыв, сказав:

The history of Istanbul really shines on this tour! The Blue Mosque was a sight to behold, and hearing about its significance from a local guide gave me a deeper appreciation. The Basilica Cistern was a surprising highlight, with its atmospheric beauty and ancient engineering marvels. Hagia Sophia was a grand finale the layers of history in that building are astounding.

Grant E. 5.0 / 5 Отлично

Grant E. оставил(а) отзыв, сказав:

Everything I hoped for and more. The Blue Mosque was mesmerizing, and our guide was exceptional at explaining its significance. Visiting the Basilica Cistern was like stepping into a piece of ancient history—quiet, mystical, and so beautiful. Hagia Sophia was absolutely breathtaking; it’s a place you could spend hours exploring. I loved how the tour was structured, allowing us to see so much without feeling overwhelmed.

Yara T. 5.0 / 5 Отлично

Yara T. оставил(а) отзыв, сказав:

The guided tour of the Blue Mosque was informative, and I loved learning about its architectural features. The atmosphere in the Basilica Cistern was enchanting so peaceful and cool underground. The highlight for me was Hagia Sophia; I was overwhelmed by its scale and beauty. Being able to use the audio guide to discover its secrets at my own pace was a fantastic touch. I’d highly recommend this tour to anyone wanting to dive into the heart of Istanbul!

Flias D. 4.0 / 5 Очень Хорошо

Flias D. оставил(а) отзыв, сказав:

Amazing tour! The Blue Mosque was stunning, with its rich history beautifully explained by our guide. I was completely captivated by the Basilica Cistern such a unique and magical place. Hagia Sophia, with its immense historical importance, was a true highlight, and having the time to explore it after the guided portion was fantastic.

Calvin J. 4.0 / 5 Очень Хорошо

Calvin J. оставил(а) отзыв, сказав:

This was the ultimate way to see Istanbul’s most iconic landmarks! The Blue Mosque was absolutely breathtaking, and hearing about its cultural importance made the visit special. I was amazed by the subterranean wonder that is the Basilica Cistern the atmosphere down there is surreal.

Delaney K. 5.0 / 5 Отлично

Delaney K. оставил(а) отзыв, сказав:

The Basilica Cistern was like stepping into an ancient hidden world—the tranquility and the history behind it were fascinating. The Blue Mosque is such a masterpiece, and the guide made it so much more meaningful by explaining its intricate history.

Levi M. 4.0 / 5 Очень Хорошо

Levi M. оставил(а) отзыв, сказав:

Completely blew me away! The Blue Mosque was an incredible start, and learning about its intricate design and history really gave me a sense of its cultural importance. The underground Basilica Cistern was a hidden gem—so atmospheric and peaceful. Hagia Sophia was unlike anything I’ve seen before, and the time we had to explore it at our own pace really let me soak in its grandeur.

Wes L. 5.0 / 5 Отлично

Wes L. оставил(а) отзыв, сказав:

Each stop on this tour was more impressive than the last! The Blue Mosque was a beautiful start, and our guide’s insights into the religious and historical significance were captivating. The Basilica Cistern felt like stepping into a different world so peaceful and mysterious beneath the city. When we reached Hagia Sophia, I couldn’t believe how much history is packed into this one building. The thoughtful structure of this tour allowed us to see the best of Istanbul in a relaxed and engaging way.

Joelle M. 5.0 / 5 Отлично

Joelle M. оставил(а) отзыв, сказав:

Absolutely loved this tour! The Blue Mosque was breathtaking, and our guide provided fascinating insights into its significance. The Basilica Cistern was a pleasant surprise; walking through such an ancient structure was surreal. Finally, Hagia Sophia was overall amazing ! Having the freedom to explore it at my own pace made the experience even more memorable.

Kendra C. 4.0 / 5 Очень Хорошо

Kendra C. оставил(а) отзыв, сказав:

A perfect introduction to Istanbul’s history and landmarks. The Blue Mosque was an architectural wonder, and the guide’s stories made it even more interesting. The Basilica Cistern was an unexpected highlight so peaceful and rich with history. Hagia Sophia was the icing on the cake. Its historical significance and sheer beauty were overwhelming, and having time to explore it at my own pace was the best part. I highly recommend this tour!

Odessa C. 5.0 / 5 Отлично

Odessa C. оставил(а) отзыв, сказав:

I couldn’t have asked for a better introduction to Istanbul’s rich history! The Blue Mosque was breathtaking, with its stunning design and fascinating background explained by the guide. The Basilica Cistern had a serene and almost magical quality to it, while Hagia Sophia was simply awe-inspiring. The freedom to explore at the end made this tour stand out for me being able to take in Hagia Sophia’s beauty without rushing was such a treat.

Rhea A. 5.0 / 5 Отлично

Rhea A. оставил(а) отзыв, сказав:

Istanbul’s history came alive on this tour ! The Blue Mosque was more magnificent than I could have imagined, and the Basilica Cistern was a surreal experience—so mysterious and awe-inspiring. Hagia Sophia was simply breathtaking, and I loved having the freedom to explore it at my own pace. The tour was very well organized, and the guide’s passion for Istanbul’s history shone through in every story. I would highly recommend it !

Hazel D. 5.0 / 5 Отлично

Hazel D. оставил(а) отзыв, сказав:

Istanbul’s historic sites are brought to life on this tour! The Blue Mosque was awe-inspiring with its towering minarets, and the guide’s explanations added so much context. The underground Basilica Cistern was like discovering an ancient world so atmospheric and impressive. Hagia Sophia left me in awe; it’s such an iconic monument and truly a symbol of Istanbul’s past and present. The tour was well-paced, with plenty of time to enjoy each place without feeling rushed.

Paisly Y. 5.0 / 5 Отлично

Paisly Y. оставил(а) отзыв, сказав:

History was brought to life on this tour. The Blue Mosque was an absolute marvel, and the guide’s passion for the city’s past really came through. The Basilica Cistern was unlike anything I’ve seen before, with its eerie beauty hidden underground. Exploring Hagia Sophia at our own pace was fantastic the size and grandeur of it just can’t be put into words.

Kingston H. 5.0 / 5 Отлично

Kingston H. оставил(а) отзыв, сказав:

The perfect introduction to Istanbul’s iconic landmarks! The Blue Mosque was more than I imagined, and the guide’s stories brought a new perspective to its beauty. The underground Cistern was captivating with its ancient architecture and calming atmosphere. Hagia Sophia was the crowning jewel of the tour there’s just so much history contained within its walls. This tour is ideal for anyone wanting a thorough, yet relaxing, exploration of Istanbul’s rich cultural heritage.

Reagan I. 5.0 / 5 Отлично

Reagan I. оставил(а) отзыв, сказав:

This was the perfect introduction to Istanbul’s most famous sites. I’d heard a lot about the Blue Mosque, but seeing it up close was incredible the artistry is just unbelievable. The Basilica Cistern was a hidden marvel, and walking through its columns was surreal. The tour ended on a high note with Hagia Sophia, where skipping the line saved us so much time.

Ulyssa H. 4.0 / 5 Очень Хорошо

Ulyssa H. оставил(а) отзыв, сказав:

An incredible way to see the best of Istanbul! The Blue Mosque was breathtaking, and the guide really made the history come alive with stories about its significance. The Basilica Cistern was a hidden treasure beneath the city so peaceful and full of history. Hagia Sophia was spectacular, and I was grateful for the time we had to explore it on our own. This tour provided the perfect mix of guided insights and free exploration. Highly recommended!

Iris L. 5.0 / 5 Отлично

Iris L. оставил(а) отзыв, сказав:

An exceptional tour that covered all the highlights of Istanbul! The Blue Mosque’s beauty left me speechless, and learning about the history of the Byzantine and Ottoman empires was fascinating. The Basilica Cistern was a unique experience—so peaceful and mysterious. I loved exploring Hagia Sophia on my own with the audio guide, which gave me the flexibility to take it all in at my own pace.

Joy E. 5.0 / 5 Отлично

Joy E. оставил(а) отзыв, сказав:

The Blue Mosque was simply breathtaking, with its striking blue tiles and serene atmosphere. The Basilica Cistern was a hidden gem—descending underground to find such a stunning structure was unforgettable. Hagia Sophia left me speechless with its sheer size and beauty. The tour flowed seamlessly, giving us plenty of time to absorb the majesty of each location.

Brooks P. 5.0 / 5 Отлично

Brooks P. оставил(а) отзыв, сказав:

Historical richness of this tour was remarkable. The Blue Mosque was as grand as I’d hoped, but it was the fascinating backstories our guide shared that made it unforgettable. The Cistern felt like a secret treasure hidden beneath the bustling streets—such a cool contrast to everything above ground. Hagia Sophia was the highlight, with its blend of Christian and Islamic history shining through in every corner.

Zara T. 5.0 / 5 Отлично

Zara T. оставил(а) отзыв, сказав:

Istanbul has always been on my bucket list, and this tour was the perfect way to explore its most iconic sites. The Blue Mosque’s grandeur was mesmerizing, and the Basilica Cistern was unlike anything I’ve ever seen—it felt like stepping into another world. I appreciated the convenience of skip-the-line access to Hagia Sophia, especially with the crowds, and the audio guide gave me all the info I needed without feeling rushed. This tour is great for history lovers or anyone fascinated by Istanbul’s deep past.

Diana K. 5.0 / 5 Отлично

Diana K. оставил(а) отзыв, сказав:

I was blown away by this tour! The Blue Mosque was as beautiful as I imagined, and the guide provided insights that added depth to the visit. The Basilica Cistern was like a hidden treasure beneath the city so atmospheric and intriguing. Ending with Hagia Sophia was perfect.

Flora Y. 5.0 / 5 Отлично

Flora Y. оставил(а) отзыв, сказав:

Unforgettable glimpse into Istanbul’s history and architecture. The Blue Mosque was incredible, and hearing the stories of its design and significance brought it to life. The Basilica Cistern, hidden beneath the city, was like nothing I’ve ever seen before calm, mysterious, and filled with ancient beauty. Hagia Sophia was just fascinating, and I loved having the freedom to explore it with the audio guide.

Theo K. 5.0 / 5 Отлично

Theo K. оставил(а) отзыв, сказав:

A brilliant introduction to Istanbul’s history and culture! I was blown away by the Blue Mosque—it’s even more stunning in person than in photos. The Basilica Cistern was a total surprise, with its mystical atmosphere and impressive design. The skip-the-line tickets at Hagia Sophia were a huge bonus.

Nico A. 5.0 / 5 Отлично

Nico A. оставил(а) отзыв, сказав:

The Blue Mosque was mesmerizing, and the guide did an amazing job of explaining its significance in Turkish history. The Basilica Cistern was like something out of a fantasy novel it’s one of the most unique places I’ve visited. And Hagia Sophia… it’s beyond words.

Michael F. 5.0 / 5 Отлично

Michael F. оставил(а) отзыв, сказав:

This was a beautifully organized tour that showed off Istanbul’s finest landmarks. The Blue Mosque was stunning, and the guide made sure we understood both the architecture and the cultural context. The Basilica Cistern was a pleasant surprise, with its serene atmosphere and ancient columns. Hagia Sophia was a sight to behold, and being able to explore it independently with the audio guide really added to the experience. I would definitely do this again.

Easton B. 5.0 / 5 Отлично

Easton B. оставил(а) отзыв, сказав:

Tour was fantastic! The guided experience at the Blue Mosque was so informative, and the guide's passion for Istanbul's history was evident. I was enchanted by the Basilica Cistern its unique charm and tranquility were a highlight.

Percy H. 4.0 / 5 Очень Хорошо

Percy H. оставил(а) отзыв, сказав:

I highly recommend this tour for anyone wanting to dive into Istanbul’s wonders. The Blue Mosque was as beautiful as everyone says, and the guide’s stories really added depth to the visit. The Basilica Cistern felt like a secret, peaceful hideaway beneath the city, and I was fascinated by its history. Hagia Sophia was a dream to explore on my own after hearing all about its incredible past.

Jared K. 5.0 / 5 Отлично

Jared K. оставил(а) отзыв, сказав:

Today’s tour was absolutely unforgettable! The Blue Mosque took my breath away with its stunning architecture and intricate blue tiles. Standing in front of Hagia Sophia, I marveled at its incredible history and the way it seamlessly blends different cultures. The highlight for me was exploring the Basilica Cistern. Its eerie atmosphere and beautiful columns made me feel like I had stepped back in time. Each site offered a unique glimpse into Istanbul’s rich heritage, and I can’t wait to share these experiences with others!

Corvo A. 5.0 / 5 Отлично

Corvo A. оставил(а) отзыв, сказав:

The Basilica Cistern was a complete surprise walking through its ancient columns was like stepping back in time. The Blue Mosque was as beautiful as I’d heard, and the guide’s insights made the visit even more meaningful. Everything was amazing and it made me forget about troubling times I had for a moment, Thank you.

Sage J. 5.0 / 5 Отлично

Sage J. оставил(а) отзыв, сказав:

What an amazing day in Istanbul! Our guide was incredible, offering so much insight into the Blue Mosque’s stunning design and historical significance. The Basilica Cistern was a highlight for me walking through that ancient underground marvel was unforgettable. And ending with Hagia Sophia was just perfect. The skip-the-line tickets saved us so much time, and the audio guide helped us dive deep into its rich history. A must-do tour in Istanbul!

William S. 5.0 / 5 Отлично

William S. оставил(а) отзыв, сказав:

Our guide was both knowledgeable and friendly, making the experience even more enjoyable. The tour was well-organized, and we gained so much insight into Istanbul's rich history. I highly recommend this tour it's definitely a must-do!

Gideon F. 5.0 / 5 Отлично

Gideon F. оставил(а) отзыв, сказав:

One of the best tours I’ve ever taken! The Blue Mosque was magnificent, and our guide shared fascinating stories that added so much to the experience. The Basilica Cistern was unexpectedly magical, with its dim lighting and ancient columns creating a peaceful atmosphere. Hagia Sophia was the pinnacle of the tour being able to wander through it at my own pace while listening to the history on the audio guide made it even more special. Highly recommended!

Wilson Y. 5.0 / 5 Отлично

Wilson Y. оставил(а) отзыв, сказав:

Our guide really brought the history of these landmarks alive! The Blue Mosque is stunning with its mesmerizing design, Hagia Sophia is an incredible historical gem, and the Basilica Cistern offers a unique experience that you simply can’t miss. Each site left a lasting impression!

Sheldon J. 5.0 / 5 Отлично

Sheldon J. оставил(а) отзыв, сказав:

This tour truly surpassed our expectations! Each site was more breathtaking than the one before. The guide’s insights added a unique depth to the experience, making it even more memorable. It was worth every penny!

Victor A. 5.0 / 5 Отлично

Victor A. оставил(а) отзыв, сказав:

Istanbul is such a rich city, and this tour made me fall in love with it even more. The Blue Mosque was stunning, and our guide gave us great historical context. The Basilica Cistern was so peaceful and beautiful—it felt like I was in a movie! And Hagia Sophia was the perfect end to the day. Having the option to explore it on my own made the experience much more personal. This tour is well-organized, and I’d recommend it to anyone.

Kelly I. 5.0 / 5 Отлично

Kelly I. оставил(а) отзыв, сказав:

A perfectly paced tour that allowed ample time to appreciate each site! The Blue Mosque and Hagia Sophia are absolutely stunning, and the Basilica Cistern turned out to be an unexpected highlight. Every moment was enjoyable!

Kurt H. 5.0 / 5 Отлично

Kurt H. оставил(а) отзыв, сказав:

Walking through Hagia Sophia felt like stepping back in time. The Blue Mosque is truly breathtaking, and the Basilica Cistern offers a unique and intriguing atmosphere. Each site has its own special charm!

Arthur M. 5.0 / 5 Отлично

Arthur M. оставил(а) отзыв, сказав:

A perfect day exploring Istanbul's iconic landmarks! The Blue Mosque and Hagia Sophia are truly awe-inspiring, and the Basilica Cistern was a captivating surprise. Each site added to the richness of the experience!

Cassandra T. 5.0 / 5 Отлично

Cassandra T. оставил(а) отзыв, сказав:

An unforgettable experience! The architecture of the Blue Mosque is absolutely stunning, Hagia Sophia's history is truly captivating, and the Basilica Cistern is a delightful hidden gem. I highly recommend this tour to anyone visiting Istanbul!

Alex K. 5.0 / 5 Отлично

Alex K. оставил(а) отзыв, сказав:

I highly recommend this tour to anyone visiting Istanbul! The combination of architectural beauty and historical significance is truly remarkable. Our guide was fantastic, making the experience even more enriching!

Chris W. 5.0 / 5 Отлично

Chris W. оставил(а) отзыв, сказав:

An incredible tour that showcases some of Istanbul's most iconic sites! The Blue Mosque and Hagia Sophia are stunning, and the Basilica Cistern adds a unique touch to the experience. Highly recommend this journey through history!

Colton R. 5.0 / 5 Отлично

Colton R. оставил(а) отзыв, сказав:

This tour was fantastic! Walking into the Blue Mosque, I was completely awed by the intricacies of its design. Our guide was incredibly knowledgeable, painting a vivid picture of the past as we toured the city's iconic spots. I especially loved the visit to the Basilica Cistern, which had a magical ambiance with its ancient columns. Hagia Sophia is a marvel that you need to see to believe, and the freedom to explore it at our own pace was much appreciated. A truly enriching experience.

Tour J. 5.0 / 5 Отлично

Tour J. оставил(а) отзыв, сказав:

An amazing tour with a fantastic guide! The Blue Mosque, Topkapi Palace, and Hagia Sophia were all stunning and truly showcased Istanbul's architectural beauty. This tour offered a deep dive into the city's rich history, making it an unforgettable experience. Highly recommend it for anyone wanting to explore Istanbul's treasures!

Muhammed A. 5.0 / 5 Отлично

Muhammed A. оставил(а) отзыв, сказав:

A must-do in Istanbul! This tour was incredibly informative, and the guide's insights were invaluable. The Blue Mosque, Topkapi Palace, and Hagia Sophia exceeded all our expectations, making for a truly memorable experience. Highly recommended!

Noah J. 5.0 / 5 Отлично

Noah J. оставил(а) отзыв, сказав:

Incredible day exploring Istanbul's iconic landmarks. The Blue Mosque, Topkapi Palace, and Hagia Sophia were all so impressive. This tour exceeded our expectations.

Azel K. 5.0 / 5 Отлично

Azel K. оставил(а) отзыв, сказав:

This tour was a delightful blend of culture and history! The Blue Mosque was truly magnificent, and I appreciated the guide's storytelling approach, which made the history engaging. The Basilica Cistern felt magical, with its mysterious atmosphere and striking architecture. Of course, Hagia Sophia was a showstopper; I loved having the time to explore it at my own pace using the audio guide. This experience is ideal for those wanting a rich and fulfilling visit to Istanbul!

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